Sunday, November 7, 2010

Race Eve

So here I am the night before the Race! And I'm a little anxious. It's funny because just last week my running partner and I (her name is Cherith...also the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life) were talking about how we were a bit nervous. And yes we've already been nervous for more than a week or a few days; but we were talking about how we have "Test Anxiety" in college. And 'Test anxiety' is a real disorder that is mentally draining because you study and study but then you get so worked up about the test and worrying you will do poorly that sometimes you actually do poorly.
Well I well worry about everything, and probably have anxiety about anything that I can plan for, it's in my nature. I’m a perfectionist.
So testing aside; Cherith and I trained for months for this race and here we are laughing about how we are a bit there such a term as "RA"...."race anxiety"...probably not but we are making it one!
But just so we are clear my "race anxiety" does not mean that I am not super excited and prepared and ready at the same time!!! I mean yes I am nervous, my stomach is doing little flips, this is a big race-I don't know what to expect or what it will be like or how many spectators I don't know will be watching me...basically there are a lot of 'what if's?'
But you know Cherith and I have trained and run and sweat through the hottest months of the year. We have raised $2,400 for Blood Cancer Research! We have run 500 miles since the start of our training program through different terrain- pavement, gravel, trail, hills, flats, and sand. Umstead State Park has some of the most grueling inclines but the loveliest scenery. And because of that I am in the best shape of my life.
I feel like I'm much stronger physically than I ever used to be. I am stronger mentally too. But that's the key you really have to get through the tough stuff to get to the good stuff. Marathon training is probably a lot like life. You have to look back and think 'wow I stretched myself to limits I never thought possible, like a rubber band, but it never broke', you have to think about where you are now to really appreciate how far you've come, and the biggest reward for never giving up will be crossing the finish line.
p.s. I have also burned about 51, 500 calories during training season, lost several pounds, became much leaner, developed muscles in places in didn't know I would simply by running and anyone who wants to do the same should join TEAM IN TRAINING. I went from being a boring 3-5 mile runner to a long distance runner with their help ;) Become a runner while raising money for cancer??!! Why not!!

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