Monday, January 17, 2011

So I went skiing yesterday which was a ton of fun. However I am no pro. And I did take one crash, and sadly it wasn't on the slope-it was trying to get off the dang ski lift. Well my hand kind of got stuck between the rail that comes down on your lap and the chair; so when I went to push off the chair and onto the snow/off the lift my hand was caught- I pulled it to free it, then promptly fell onto the ground since my skis and ski rods were all twisted by that point too. The same hand that was caught went crunching under my body to catch my fall. It didn't really hurt at the time but then again I couldn't feel my fingers since it was so cold and my gloves weren't warm enough (either that or I have poor circulation in the tips of my fingers).

Anyhow when I woke up this morning I felt a throbbing pain in my pinkie finger and after having some trouble washing my hair and brushing my teeth I decided I should have a look at my finger and figure out what was going on...this is the mangled mess that I saw ;)

So the moral of my story is that I can handle sporty activities. However I am quite clumsy mostly when it comes to sitting, walking, or standing still. That's slightly embarrassing but I'm over it and used to it. Also it took me a good 16 hrs to figure out that my finger was bothering me more than what I consider "normal pain" therefore I think my pain threshold is pretty high.

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