Sunday, July 24, 2011

Please grant me the ability to interview well so that I may find a new job.

And the ability to run more easily in the heat.

These two things would bring me more happiness than you know.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I have started to bike ride a lot more this summer. It's just too hot to run. If I had the willpower to get up and run in the morning i think the weather would be fine. But every time I set my alarm to run at 5:15am I manage to finagle the blaring alarm off and sleep right through it. Cycling in the evening is fun. It works my legs, gets my heart rate up a bit, and creates a nice breeze. My shoulders and arms on the other hand are aching and have become so sore. So apparently it's a good workout for my upper body too and I lack strength the most there so I think I will continue biking until at least September.